Village of Greene Sidewalk Market

The Village Board has graciously allowed producers within the Greene School District to partner with local business owners to use the south side of Genesee Street for local producer businesses to sell their product to you. On the grassy area between the street and sidewalk, every Wednesday afternoon from 2p to 5p beginning on the Wednesday before Memorial Day and Greene's wonderful celebration, to the first Wednesdays of October.

Our desire is to provide you, the consumer, with the knowledge of those in the community that create with their own hands and produce on their own lands the products you see for sale.

This also provides you with the opportunity to explore the many storefront businesses in Greene's business district.

For more Information:

How to apply!


A lot of times when new folks come to the market, especially early in the season, they wonder, “Where are the tomatoes?” “Why don’t we see oranges here?” “Why are the farmers sold out before the market ends?”

Answer: Our market is producer-only. This means that what you see on a farmer’s table is only what they have grown or produced themselves. This gives you, and the customer, complete transparency as to where your food comes from and allows you to literally shake the hand that grows your food. At some markets, farmers are allowed to buy produce and other items from outside sources to provide a greater variety to customers, but the downside is that you no longer know where that food is coming from, how it’s grown, how far it’s traveled, etc. Your supermarket already has that kind of food covered. The downside to a producer-only market is that our selection is limited to what can grow in our local climate at the specific time of year. But isn’t that what eating locally and sustainably is all about?

This year, having had a relatively long and snowless winter and an early spring, we went from winter almost right into summer, then back to spring. The volume of produce you see is getting a slow start, but be patient. It will soon be abundant! We challenge you to take the seasonal eating challenge… and learn to shape a few meals per week around what is currently available. Also, talk to our producers. They’ll be able to tell you what’s growing and what’s coming soon.

The following is a blog post by Triple H Family Farm LLC. This is a small 13 acre farm that began in 2016 on what was once the Boatright homestead; built in 1880’s and located in Marshall, MO. They are veteran founded, owned & operated.


June 6, 2021

Matt and I were in the greenhouse recently discussing how to start off our 2021 blog series. As we were talking, we began discussing the top 5 questions we get asked during the market season. After some deliberation we agreed that in the beginning of our season we get asked “Why we don’t sell at our hometown farmers market?”

Instead of simply answering the question we try to use this as an opportunity to possibly educate about producer only markets. We often ask a question(s) in return. Do you know what producer only farmers markets are? Did you know that not all farmers markets require the person selling at the market to produce or create what they are selling? We are often met with a puzzling look of confusion. Most of our customers have never thought about where the goods on vendor tables at farmers markets come from. I, just like many of our customers, have assumed that everything on a table at a farmers market is grown or created by the person selling it. This, unfortunately, is not true unless you attend a producer only farmers market.

As local farmers we take great pride in growing, baking and creating everything we sell. We work extremely hard to provide LOCAL, fresh produce and other goods to our customers. We also believe that the intent of a farmers market is for local farmers to sell their local goods and wares, not someone else’s’.

Now, before I go any further I want to make a quick note about my last statement, as there are exceptions to some vendors selling someone else’s items. The first being farmers that hire someone to sell their items at the farmers market as the farmer is needed on the farm. The next being, a producer only farmers market making exceptions for vendors to come in with products not belonging to them to fill a void at the market. I have seen this with dairy items many times. The market will still require some due diligence, but will make exceptions to allow a variety of choices for market customers. 

Producer ONLY farmers markets have a board of directors that create rules to be followed by the market manager, vendors and etc. These rules require that vendors have their farm, bakery or home inspected regularly by a committee to ensure what they are selling at the market they grow, bake or create. Vendors are also required to reside within a certain mileage to create only local options to customers.

Non-producers farmers markets are markets that allow goods to be sold that are not grown or created by the seller. There is usually little oversight regarding what you bring. Typically, but not always these markets do not have a board of directors to create rules and often, but not always, do not have a market manager. Vendors can buy produce or goods from someone or someplace else and then bring them to a market and re-sell them. You might be thinking, can that possibly be profitable? The answer is, yes.

An example of reselling items would be purchasing large quantities of produce from a produce auction and then taking your purchases to a farmers market and selling this produce at a higher price point. Now, before I go any further, is there anything wrong with this….. the answer is no. Is the produce bad…. the answer is again no. I have purchased produce from farmers markets where produce is sold by a third party and I haven’t been disappointed.

Where we, as local farmers, have an issue with this falls under more of an ethical heading and maintaining the spirit of what a farmers market is for. When I go to a farmers market, I go with the intent of supporting a local farmer or creator. Someone who has spent hours upon hours choosing seeds, potting mix, perfecting planting schedules, battling weather and pests and still showing up with produce.

This same farmer is handling their own marketing through websites, social media, signage, online stores and blogs. They are also fielding phone calls, creating logos and eye catching market table set-ups, attending continuing education conferences to make their farm and products better, all while following federal, state and local rules placed upon them. This farmer is the one who can talk to me about the variety of tomato they are selling and give me more information than I expected all while being excited about it! I don’t know about you, but I want that farmer. I want to support the farmer who is putting in the work to run every aspect of the business and still be excited about it. That’s the point of a farmers market, right? To connect with your local food and farmer.

On a final note, I want to mention again, there is nothing wrong with buying a product from a non-producer market as long as you the customer, is informed of what you are purchasing and who or what you are supporting. If your intent is to support local business, then by all means purchase away! If your intent is to connect with your farmer, inform yourself and ask questions. You’ll find who you’re looking for pretty fast!

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